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ePropulsion pod drives are direc-drive and maintenance-free electric motors for sailboats and small crafts. They’re space-saving and maximize your cabin space.You hear no noise onboard. Under 10HP, it’s a market gap of diesel saildrive, and ePropulsion pod drives can satisfy the demand and offer a new option other than outboard.
You can always find a controller that well satisfies your needs.
Offers real-time monitoring of the power, remaining runtime, battery level, voltage, etc.
Press the button and you’re ready to go. Saves your trouble pulling the cord to start.
Works as an emergency stop key for ePropulsion electric outboards. Keeps you safe on the boat.
Designed with excellent throttle response and clear throttle hand feel.
Adjustable full throttle power makes the ePropulsion electric boat motors kids-friendly and suitable for rental boats.
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